Saturday, November 17, 2007


The most bizarre thing happened to us as we were traveling home from a U2Charist the other night. If you don't know what a U2Charist is, you can Google it. We were stopped at a traffic light behind a minivan, and suddenly, a woman got out of the driver's seat and started walking towards our car very purposefully. She was a typical suburban Baby Boomer. One of our passengers joked, "she doesn't have a gun, does she?" We laughed, but she was definitely holding something behind her back, or so it appeared. When she got close enough to see us, she suddenly said, "Oh sorry," and turned back around, revealing that there was nothing behind her back, not even an arm. As she got back in her van and the light cycled from red to green to yellow to red again, we processed whether we had, in fact, just seen a one armed lady. As the light turned red, she drove off, leaving us behind. She didn't wave goodbye.

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