Monday, June 9, 2008

Another photo of Duchess

Isn't she sweet? This happens about 4 times a week. The rest of the time she is very busy stalking and attacking the other cats, her toys, random dust, the occasional insect, the bugs and birds outside, and her tail, as well as continuing patrolling the kitchen countertops for any accidentally left out food.


Kerry said...

I can't decide who has the most fur in this picture!!! Love you Dale!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's a daddy's girl! She's just being a kitten. Give her a break---and a good rub down.

Elaine said...

Oh, anonymous, if you knew how spoiled BabyGirl is...
She sits at the head of the table while we eat. If she's good and doesn't jump onto the table and steal food, we give her pieces of food. We pet her any chance we get. I stand with her at the window, her back feet in my hands and her front feet on the window, while she slaps my face with her tail and watches the birds outside. We buy her expensive feather dusters and when she destroys them, we rebuild them stronger. In fact, I need to stop now because the more I talk, the more guilty I feel!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're treating her just right! Keep it up!