Monday, June 2, 2008

frittering away

I had a great weekend. I read two of my poems at our church's coffeehouse event. I got a lot of good feedback. One person said my poems were spectacular. That is still bringing a smile to my face.
But today I have frittered away my time. Not entirely. I made dinner this morning - assembled ingredients into a slow cooker, that is. I went to the chiropractor. And I went to Duke to practice organ. And on my way home my spirit told me it needed some time. It needs to reflect and think and consider and start constructing my summer schedule - start organizing my life around my priorities and goals. And so I read a book, and then checked email, and then surfed the net, and then balanced our budget, and then surfed the net some more. My spirit is not pleased. Neither am I. Darn that totally hilarious and addictive Stuff Christians Like blog!
So part of my summer schedule will include figuring out how to use my computer for writing and school and NOT Net-surfing. At least, not till the other is done. Will I turn off my internet router? Maybe.


Anonymous said...

The internet is a fantastic tool and a most fantastic destroyer of productivity! How to beat the addiction! I don't know yet.

Kerry said...

You can help me find things that I can eat, because I am tired of people suggesting that I start eating meat again!!!

Elaine said...

How bad is the allergy? Could you take allergy meds and then eat the foods? After all, I'm allergic to my cats and so I just take Flonase to control the symptoms.

Anonymous said...

If no one ate meat, most of the animals that provide meat would be very rare, endangered species.