Friday, August 15, 2008

Food experiments

So last night Kerry came over and we made vegan chocolate cake with avocado frosting.

I suppose that needs a little explanation...
So a while back, when Dale and I still had cable, we saw Alton Brown make avocado frosting, and it looked really cool. I was smitten with the idea and have been looking for an opportunity to make some ever since. No one has been terribly interested. :( Fortunately, Kerry is adventurous, and willing to try it, as long as we made it on a vegan cake. OK, no problem!

The vegan chocolate cake was superbly delicious. It was rich, moist, airy, and chocolatey. Every bit as good as my family's chocolate sheet cake. Seriously. For all you doubters: come to my house and I'll do a blind taste test and see if you can identify the vegan cake. You won't be able to. Who knew that cake could be so good without eggs or milk or butter?
The frosting, on the other hand, not so great. It was made up of avocado, lemon extract, lemon juice, and powdered sugar. It primarily tasted like powdered sugar in a spreadable form. The only hint of avocado is in the gorgeous bright green color. It's a striking color, and would be great used in tandem with other frostings as decoration. But overall, it needed something. Probably a nice big chunk of animal fat...

1 comment:

Kerry said...

We are the bomb-diggity cake baking team.

No more avacado icing!!