Monday, August 25, 2008

"The Shack" revisited

Well, I was skeptical at first. I approached the text cautiously, one eyebrow raised, waiting to find the flaw, or disagree, or roll my eyes at some glib theological Christianese.
And instead I cried. I wept. I was deeply moved. I nodded my head in vigorous agreement. And now I am part of the slowly growing group of people at my church who are recommending this book in awed and hushed tones. Dale was inspired to read it just by watching me read it.
I wouldn't go so far as to say this radically changed my view on God. But of course, I already HAVE a radical view on God - this book just portrayed it for me.
It's not perfect - it's not a systematic theological treatise. But it is a beautiful picture of God, with some deep wisdom about relationships, power, independence, and submission.
This is the kind of writing I want to do one day.
Go read "The Shack." I promise you won't be disappointed.

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