Monday, January 4, 2010

Horror Stories of High School Abstinence Classes

My only source for this is a group of teens who attend Leesville High School. I would love to believe that these stories aren't true, or are exaggerated, or even that all of them have conspired to deceive me, but I think it's most likely that these stories are at least partially true.
We taught our high school group about sex this fall. We taught them the Biblical view that sex is good, it is spiritual, it is designed for procreation and pleasure and intended for marriage. But we were also real with them. We taught them about birth control. We taught them about how to think through the consequences of premarital sex. We tried to teach them that their sexuality is valuable - a priceless part of themselves that can only be shared so many times before it becomes less special. And we had a no-holds-barred Q&A period when we discussed many issues about sex.
In response, they told us what they are learning in high school. They report that their health teacher takes a goldfish out of a bowl and lets it die, demonstrating what premarital sex is. Today one of them said the health teacher brought in cookies and said the cookies were cheap prostitutes. Then they performed a skit in which one student tried to convince another student to eat the cookie, while another student tried to dissuade him from eating it. They tell us that they are so grateful that we have given them more information about sex. That we have talked about sex as more than just some bad thing that must be avoided at all costs.

I wonder how many goldfish have to die before our kids are taught the truth about sex.


Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

Emma Pope said...

Just another reason not to leave parenting to public schools...

Also, comment above, thats a little creepy.