Sunday, January 24, 2010

lazy weekend

It has been a very lazy weekend in the Bayless household. Yesterday Dale built a fire and we watched basketball. I must confess I fell asleep. Dale actually did some work, but I was a completely non productive couch potato. Today is not much more productive. Thus far we have made Belgian waffles (YUM), Dale has read and I have taken a nap, and now Dale is playing video games while I ponder flights to Italy in September (YAY).
Since we have no real news, I'll stick to 7 quick takes:
1. The eczema on my thumb has returned with a vengeange. I'll start steroid cream today.
2. Last night we watched the Princess Bride, which never gets old!
3. I'm in the mood to bake bread, but probably will end up taking another nap.
4. Pipsqueak and Duchess eagerly filled in my spot on the couch when I got up - Pip is snuggled in the crevice between cushions and Duchess is all snuggled into the nest of blankets.
5. My next book is "Everything is Illuminated" by Foer. I'm looking forward to it, but I don't think I have the energy to start it today!
6. My friend gave me a flying screaming monkey recently. The cats hate it. The other night I was running in my sleep (nightmare) and I accidently kicked it out of bed, which made it scream and woke me up. Maybe the cats have a point...
7. Fringe had a flying screaming woman in the excellent show Thursday night. Connection? I think so.
BONUS: An iphone app, Flixster, just emailed me a picture of myself, one taken many years ago which I have never posted online. I find this EXTREMELY creepy.

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