Monday, May 4, 2009

100 things I can do

1. Make delicious bread of all kinds
2. Work out on a regular basis
3. Laugh at myself
4. Balance my checkbook
5. Drive stick shift
6. Sing
7. Play the piano and pipe organ
8. Write fiction
9. Teach people stuff
10. Take medication willingly in order to keep my precious kitties with me
11. Grow really long hair really fast
12. Wrap my ankles around my neck
13. Wiggle my ears
14. Roll my tongue
15. Dress to conceal my belly pooch
16. Floss my teeth really well
17. Counted cross-stitch
18. Read really fast (as in, read entire 7th Harry Potter book in 1 night)
19. Ask a lot of questions
20. Be around people and enjoy it a lot
21. Manage my life using the iPhone
22. Make my pastor laugh
23. Make my husband laugh
24. Make my cat Duchess very very angry
25. Make my cats Shadow and Pipsqueak very very happy
26. Do all our laundry in 1 day every other week
27. Grow flowers
28. Throw parties
29. Plan meals
30. Win money in Vegas and walk away with the winnings
31. Smoke a cigar
32. Do really challenging Sudoku puzzles
33. Remember things I read for years
34. Remember clothes I had 15 years ago
35. Shop for myself or for others, for any item
36. Take people to get bras fitted at Nordstrom's
37. Make slipcovers for furniture
38. Stain wood
39. Replace light fixtures
40. Draw floor plans to scale
41. Paint furniture
42. Purge items (even though it hurts)
43. Let go of the past
44. Wear my hair straight or curly
45. believe in miracles
46. Make delicious limeade
47. Write a novel (I'm in process, but thinking positively here)
48. Appreciate what an awesome husband I have!
49. Love my body the way it is and the way it isn't
50. Refrain from eating when I'm hungry
51. Refrain from eating when I'm bored
52. Use rewards liberally to motivate myself
53. Forgive myself
54. Forgive others (but only with a lot of God's grace)
55. Cover my desk with heaps of books and papers in just a week
56. Clean off my desk at least twice a year
57. Keep organized financial files
58. Keep track of oil changes
59. Check my tire air pressure
60. Check my car oil level
61. Keep people's secrets (as long as they tell me it's a secret)
62. Listen to people sympathetically
63. Earn people's trust
64. Apologize when necessary
65. Admit my excessive pride
66. Beat Dale at chess (slightly more than half the time)
67. Beat Dale at Tetris
68. Dance while cooking
69. Sit in the hot tub regardless of the outdoor temperature
70. Make dirt (ok, I just make compost, but it results in dirt, how cool!)
71. Care about people I've never met
72. Make good grades
73. Fall asleep in my hammock
74. Parallel park my car
75. Back into a parking space
76. Ride a bike
77. Use a nail gun
78. Meditate
79. Watch all 4 Alien movies over and over again
80. Show movies on the equipment at church
81. Pray for people
82. Talk too much
83. Tell funny stories
84. Clean up really disgusting things without being grossed out
85. Hold and handle snakes (non-poisonous)
86. Give honest opinions and advice in dressing rooms
87. Shop for 2 or 3 days straight
88. Make my own mango guacamole
89. Buy local produce at my local farmer's market
90. Turn off my phone and be unavailable if necessary
91. Say no to people when necessary
92. Say yes to people when necessary
93. Relate to teenagers
94. Play Twister and win
95. Hide my thoughts and opinions
96. Usually find a good balance of personal and "work" life
97. Make nice centerpieces for my table
98. Appreciate a good brainless action movie every now and then
99. Go for weeks without looking at Facebook
100. Find spiritual themes in ordinary movies and TV shows and books


Kerry said...

#94... you win because you are so bendy and loose.

I didn't see "I'm a kickass friend" on there... so make that 101!!

Elaine said...

Yes, finally, a "sport" i can win!