Monday, May 4, 2009

100 things I can't do

Idea borrowed from 10 Minute Writer, to be followed by a list of 100 things I can do!
1. A pull up
2. Run for any length of time or distance
3. Fly a plane
4. Watch violent TV shows like CSI
5. Knit
6. Crochet
7. Get Duchess to willingly sit in my lap
8. Keep Shadow from constantly trying to sit in my lap
9. Grow long fingernails
10. Watch bankruptcy commercials without becoming annoyed
11. Listen to politic talk shows
12. Watch TV news without becoming annoyed
13. Stand to think about mountaintop removal mining - destroying mountains to get a non-renewable energy resource, are you kidding me?
14. Open the sunroof of my car (gotta get that button fixed before summer!)
15. Not wear my watch
16. Eat M&M, Skittles, or Reese's Pieces in odd amounts (must always have an even number in my mouth)
17. Stand Mexican food
18. Watch golf without falling asleep
19. Enjoy watching UNC win basketball games
20. Stand spiders
21. Believe that I got an awesome job post-graduation without using resumes or interviews, yay God!
22. Believe that God really does forgive me instantly and for every sin, even the ones I don't know about (wow, God is good).
23. Contemplate life without Dale
24. Wait to go to Italy next year!
25. Text and drive at the same time (and no one else can either!)
26. Keep my bathroom clean
27. Stand the smell of cat litterboxes
28. Believe I'm graduating in 5 days!
29. Understand God (but then, who can?)
30. Play the violin
31. Speak any foreign language
32. Invent recipes
33. Crossword puzzles
34. Those physical puzzles, like the wood and nail ones
35. Stay warm in the winter
36. Stand super air conditioning in the summer
37. Stand cold rain
38. Open twist-off bottle caps (it hurts my delicate skin!)
39. Unclog a toilet
40. Clean without losing something
41. Lift more than 7.5 pounds without hurting something (when weight-lifting)
42. Believe that no one notices the 20 pounds I put on since college
43. Understand why I still get zits
44. Understand why I no longer tan well
45. Listen to reggae music
46. Play Guitar Hero
47. Play any video game with the handheld controllers
48. Beat Dale at Frogger
49. Beat Dale at Super Breakout
50. Beat Dale at Donkey Kong
51. Understand why the Losties left the caves in Season 1 and 2
52. Understand any poetry except poems by Margaret Atwood and Emily Dickinson
53. Read super-depressing books
54. Find good tablecloths
55. Enjoy drinking water unless I'm working out
56. Work out more than twice a week without an accountability partner
57. Remember to avoid rubbing my face when I'm wearing makeup
58. Stay awake on Sunday afternoons
59. Stay asleep for more than 6 hours
60. Watch Dr. Phil
61. Believe how difficult making this list is! (Tomorrow's list should be easier)
62. Believe how much I used to worry about everything.
63. Avoid talking to my plants when I tend to them
64. Find a way to keep squirrels from digging up my garden
65. Find a way to keep squirrels from chewing up our house
66. Find it in my heart to be mad at the squirrels
67. Do illegal drugs
68. Steal
69. Lie very well
70. Keep my temper when computers malfunction
71. Stand shopping at WalMart
72. Believe the amount of car and WalMart commercials currently running
73. Stop watching those "judge" shows when I'm working out (it's a guilty secret)
74. Decide when I should next cut my hair short
75. Be anything but grateful to God for the awesome life He's blessed me with
76. Only use the masculine pronoun for God - I think She likes both
77. Eat spicy food
78. Eat food with too much pepper (this counts as spicy food)
79. Think of words without thinking of colors too
80. Wear high heels
81. Wear pantyhose (that's really more a "won't" than a "can't")
82. Stand the thought of getting laser eye surgery
83. Enjoy iced tea, sweetened or unsweetened
84. Eat McDonald's
85. Eat fast food breakfast food
86. get as good quality pictures from my digital camera as I did from my regular camera
87. Trust hotel alarm clocks
88. Pick a quick line in the grocery store (or anywhere else)
89. Create new and tasty salads
90. Eat enough vegetables
91. Not each chocolate every day
92. Wear thongs (People who say high heels and thongs are comfortable have ISSUES)
93. Kiss my elbow
94. Carry a big over-the-shoulder purse
95. Keep my hands and feet warm
96. Sleep well in a strange place
97. Believe how totally awesome CoverGirl Outlast lipstick is
98. Wait for the Star Trek movie to come out (just 4 more days!)
99. Believe that I'm already 34
100. Get through the day without prayer.


Unknown said...

Hi Elaine, I think this is your blog? You responded to a question I had on Mark Batterson's blog. My family is thinking about moving to the Raleigh area and you had given me some information about your church and other churches in the area. If you could email me that would be great so I could here some of the churches you know in the area. My email is my blogspot is gettinreal1. Hope to hear from you-Jeremy

Erin Brown said...

Great! My favorite is #63. Plus, I like how most of these things are positive. :)