Friday, May 15, 2009

7 quick takes

1. Now that all the finales are over, what ever will we do with our evenings? Thank goodness for Netflix!
2. I can't wait to see Star Trek on the Imax screen, hopefully next weekend!
3. I planted several plants today. Hopefully some will start to aggressively take over the shade weeds proliferating in our tree-tented back yard.
4. I also planted marigolds to keep bugs away from my butterfly bush and basil plants. Any other organic bug solutions besides soapy water?
5. I've already screwed up one assignment in one of my classes this week. Oh well, all I have to do is pass!
6. Biking around the hilly neighborhood is a WHOLE different ballgame from 25 minutes on the stationary gym bike.
7. I'm selling stuff at a church yard sale tomorrow. The biggest challenge will be to not buy anyone else's stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Plant your own garlic nearby. Mothballs, as well, but that's not exactly organic. If you're looking for a spray, peppery solutions work well, also. Soak hot peppers in water overnight and spray on your plants.