Tuesday, May 19, 2009

$45 store credit!!

So Dale and I finally purged the VHS tape collection last weekend. I took them to our church garage sale and sold 15 of them for $3. Then I decided to take the rest to Edward McKay used books. I had pretty low expectations, especially when they said they had a lot of humor and action, but it turned out that they took all but 4 of the tapes! And at 75 cents per tape, we got $45 store credit! woo-hoo!! I find this very exciting. Dale and I bought 4 books and 2 DVD's and still have store credit left over. I immediately came home and purged my book shelf and will go back again soon - they pay cash for books. :)


Mom said...

Is this the same Edward McKay that's in Knoxville? If so, I'm going to take a load in too!

Elaine said...

I think so, I guess it's a chain.