Monday, March 15, 2010

The Boob Squish

Yes, today I had my first mammogram. I was as scared as a wet cat surrounded by possums. My boobs started hurting pretty much the minute I got up.
Fortunately, I was well prepared. I took 10 mg of Valium (approved by my doctor) and had a friend drive me to my appointment. Not only did she drive me, she came in the room with me and held my back so in case I got light headed I wouldn't fall down. And then after the appointment we went immediately to Ben and Jerry's and I had chocolate ice cream.
As for the procedure itself: NOT BAD! I mean it. It was hardly even uncomfortable. Now, this is coming from a woman who willingly contorts into yoga poses in a 100 degree room, but I can tell you - I'd rather have another mammogram than do 30 minutes on the elliptical, at least in terms of comfort.
I'm 35 years old, and I had this mammogram because my cousin did a baseline at 35 and discovered cancer. I don't care what the new guidelines say - every woman needs to have a baseline mammogram, because now, when I go in again at age 40 or so, they will have something to compare to. Of all the procedures women have to have, I will tell you, this one is probably the least disagreeable.
So take care of yourself and your boobies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had many ... the worst part of it is the "thinking about it". It's over before you know it and is much more comfortable than many other tests. Please have your mammograms!