Sunday, March 21, 2010

ISO Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Our pastor today continued his excellent series on faith, which you can listen to here. Dale and I had a good discussion afterwards. Basically, Ed talked about how Jesus seemed to be getting frustrated with the disciples because after the feeding of the 5000, they were still worried about little details like whether they had brought enough bread with them. They just weren't getting it.
It's funny for me, because I spent a lot of time searching for a BHAG (thanks, Pastor Mark), and actually gave up. I decided that quietly influencing a few dozen people at my church would be well worth it. And then, with this series, I took on the faith goal of getting my book published, a BHAG if there ever was one! Now I'm scared, and I also know that if I succeed, it will CLEARLY be an act of God.
So after the sermon, we had a time of feedback. And Dale noticed that people didn't seem to be getting it. They all talked about their "bread." He wanted to say something, but couldn't think of a loving way to do so. He's still looking for his BHAG. But he understands that there's more to life than the details of our own small needs.
One thing I observed and Dale agrees with is that realism gets in the way of these things. We set realistic goals - calling a faith goal something that is really just an achievable goal. But Jesus wants us to set crazy, unrealistic goals. Goals that require faith; goals that, if achieved, would show God's glory and God's handiwork.

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