Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is going on?

So I did some preliminary research yesterday and all of it points to one very daunting fact: I must finish my book before I can find an agent for it.
I have 50,000 words thrown together, all from differing points of view, with internal inconsistencies, and an unwritten climax that I just can't figure out. I feel very far away from even a first draft of the book.
So did I mishear God? I thought God was telling me to look for an agent, not finish the book. Was God telling me to finish the book, but in a roundabout way? Add all this to my Moses complex (Nah, God, really, you don't want to speak through me), and you've got one confused author.
But it's not all bad news: I attended writing group last night and got great feedback on my latest story. It's encouraging to know that at least 1 small group of strangers find my writing compelling.

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