Sunday, March 14, 2010


Last week was a rough week for me. I got strep throat, had my period, and faced my fears by committing to look for an agent to publish my WIP. And during all this I was changing my anxiety medication, which resulted in some emotional upheaval to boot. (don't worry, I am working closely with my doctor).
And then, today, I read this. And I think about how blessed I am - that I can call a doctor and play with my medications, that I can get in to see a doctor immediately and get antibiotics, that there are never gunshots in my neighborhood (although there are gunshots in other Raleigh neighborhoods).
Kerry Smith is taking God-sized leaps of faith and I'm whining about how scary it is to find an agent.


Kerry said...

For you, writing is your leap of faith. It IS scary to find an agent.

It's not fair to compare one thing to the other. You, my friend, are a pastor... an enormous leap of faith that I would/could/should never do.

Every challenge is different. It's what you get out of the challenge that makes the person. You, my love, are an amazing person... although I wish you would come visit me.

I love you.

Elaine said...

:) I love you too!